
Your purchased goods will be delivered to your door by an authorized VENIPAK courier throughout the territory of Lithuania. When the goods are ready for shipment, you will receive an electronic notification. The goods are delivered within 2-5 days. days depending on the season and delivery address. During the festive period, the delivery of goods may take up to 10 days. Before delivering the goods, the courier will contact the phone number you provided and coordinate the delivery time. If contact is not possible, the courier delivers the product to the specified address, and if the package fails to deliver, leaves a message in the mailbox indicating the storage address of the undelivered package and/or a phone number, by calling which the recipient of the package can receive information about the conditions for collecting the stored package. The undelivered shipment is stored at the location specified by VENIPAK or returned to the sender.

Delivery to “Geliu sala” store:

If your order is delivered to the "Geļiu sala" store within 2-5 days, you will be notified by e-mail that the order is ready for pickup. The order can be picked up within 5 days. If you do not collect the order within this time, the order will be cancelled.

Delivery price:


Minimum order price is 30€. The price of the delivery service in Lithuania is 5€ (except Kuršiu nerija). When the order amount is 200€ or more - delivery is free.

Regarding the prices of delivery of goods abroad, please contact the specified contacts.


The shipping cost of your order depends on your zip code. You will see the delivery price after placing the order. If you want to know preliminary shipping price without placing an order, contact

Additional information:

  1. It is recommended that during the delivery of the shipment, the Buyer or the Buyer's representative together with the representative of the transport company check the condition of the package and the quantity of the goods.
  2. If a violation of the packaging of the shipment, a discrepancy(s) in the quantity or assortment of the goods is detected, the Buyer or the Buyer's representative must not accept the shipment.
  3. In such a case, the representative of the transport company, together with the Buyer or the Buyer's representative fills out a special shipment inspection report, which indicates the violations found.
  4. After the Buyer or the Buyer's representative accepts the shipment and signs in the data logger provided by the representative of the transport company or in the paper delivery confirmation without comments, it is considered that the goods were delivered in the undamaged package of the shipment, the quantity, quality, assortment of the goods comply with the conditions of the purchase and sale agreement, additional services, specified data in the accumulator or on the paper delivery confirmation, duly executed, unless proven otherwise.
  5. When collecting the goods from the courier, it is necessary to present a document proving the identity of the person submitted in the order. If you place the order in your own name, but you will not be able to collect the product, then in the order, indicate the contact person whom you authorize to accept your order.
  6. If you chose cash on delivery, please make sure you have the exact amount specified in the order.